「尋田 ‧ 探土」藝術教育計劃, 由本地不同媒介的藝術家合作參與(下稱"我們")。我們的計劃源於荔枝窩村,位於香港東北地區的沙頭角的客家村。透過觀察村內的「人、地、物」, 搜尋遠古荔枝窩村祖先的歷史文化演變; 客家一脈的堅毅精神。如何連繋荔枝窩的生態環境與大自然環境共生的智慧, 並思考復耕對村民的長遠意義。

“On Earth” is a rural sustainability art project organized by local artists across different disciplines  (hereinafter referred to as "we"). The project’s focal point is the village of Lai Chi Wo, located in a secular area in north eastern part of Hong Kong. Through observing the village’s “ people, places and objects" to discover the historical and cultural evolution of Lai Chi Wo, the Hakka’s perseverance. Explore the ecological environment of Lai Chi Wo Village with its natural environment and consider the long term significance of re-cultivation to villagers.



Connect Lai Chi Wo’s living experience with ceramic art, through the perspective of contemporary art to reveal multifaceted new visions. Creative inspirations stemmed from the local ‘natural state’ to identify village’s embedded elements. Each element forms the ecological foundation of the village, emphasizing Lai Chi Wo’s unique “natural ecological space”, and broadening the diverse artistic spectrum to material space and fields.




不同個體元素隱藏了守護荔枝窩村的能量,無形的秩序在村內靜靜轉動到多維度空間,我們在旁慢慢調較個人頻道融入自然,感受生態的多頻氣息,學習融入當下「空間本質」, 旋渦帶出深層的連結和內在的狀態,帶來了思想和生命的轉變。 在村內共生和諧,從而學懂如何將生活與自然共存,塑造成為未來的香港荔枝窩故事空間。


AU Ho Lam Suzanne

The light, Lai Chi Woo roof tiles and transparent tiles


Video installation

Energy is concealed in different elements, guarding the village of Lai Chi Wo. The invisible state calmly rotates into the multi-dimensional space in the village. We slowly adjusted ourselves to integrate into the nature, perceiving the multi-frequency of the ecology, learning to harmonize into the “spatial matter”, the vortex exposes inner connection and internal state, transforming thoughts and life. The congenial living environment in the village pathway for us to learn how to coexist with life and nature, shaping the story for the future of Lai Chi Wo.

I recorded the state in the Lai Chi Wo village, the temperature of the land and the light of the transparent tiles, and interpreted it as the Lai Chi Wo Chi exercise.



Ön earth” Lai Chi Wo Art Project

is supported by the University of Hong Kong’s The Policy for Sustainability Lab, the HSBC Rural Sustainability Programme’s Co-creation of the Community: Reinventing Rural Capital Scheme”, Project Proponents and members of the project are four artist, Dexter Lee, Rachel Cheung, Suzanne AU and Yiu Chun Wa. We are grateful for the supports from The University of Hong Kong and their staff, the local Lai Chi Wo villages and those villagers who live abroad, and also the Lai Chi Wo farmers. Last but not least, grateful thanks to each and every artist and member of the Ön Earth” project team for contributing to the success of the project.


2020 Art on farm - Lai Chi Wo


2019 - 10th edition of the International Symposium on Visual Arts, HUMAn, Cucuteni.